Madison Waters and Blake Garette had a very simple relationship. Both emotionally unavailable enters an agreement to satisfy one of the basic human needs - intercourse. Everything was fine between them, until one day when unexpected news turns their casual relationship into something more than they could handle.
Bienvenido al Club K. Hogar de los hombres más finos y ricos del país. Propiedad del playboy multimillonario, Killian Black. El soltero guapo, engreído y dominante con una reputación de mierda. Él tiene una regla simple: Nunca mezcles el trabajo con el placer. Naomi Alderson, nacida y criada en el seno de una familia que trabaja duro para conseguir lo que tiene, desprecia a los hombres privilegiados, en especial a Killian Black, un multimillonario particularmente atractivo e irritantemente s*xy, que resulta ser su jefe. Un hombre que ni siquiera sabe que ella existe. Ella tiene una simple regla: Nunca involucrarse con hombres privilegiados, especialmente Killian Black. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando el misterioso y arrogante Killian Black pone sus ojos en la tímida e inocente Naomi Alderson? Una chica que él nunca supo que existía. Y una cosa es segura, Killian está dispuesto a romper todas sus reglas para llevarla a su cama. Aunque primero tenga que ganarse su corazón.Soon-to-be Alpha, Bobby, was more than just a regular shifter. On top of leading a powerful pack, his family had a powerful influence as one of Italy's most dangerous mafia leaders. Days before taking the title, Bobby's father finally comes clean with a secret he had tried to hide for way too long- Bobby had a daughter, and she was in danger. Bobby dropped everything and flew across the world to find her, but first, he had to locate the infamous woman he met for a one-night stand. Little did Bobby know that he wasn't the only Alpha, from an influential family, that set out to find the girl. When he finally finds his daughter, Bobby has to face the most terrifying thing he had ever seen, on top of that- dealing with repulsive forces of law and a mysterious woman.As the first and only daughter of her father's late first wife, Layla goes through unfair treatment from her step mother. Her step sister is treated with love, while she is treated with hatred. Feeling depressed over her step mother's cruelty, Layla ends up at a bar, drinking. She wakes in the morning to discover she was naked in bed with a stranger, whom she had a one night stand with."He was her world. And He shattered her into pieces without even knowing. She had cried her heart out, and at the end she promised herself to have her revenge on him. Even if it's the last thing she ever does! Avalanche Park Had walked into his world this time as a completely different person, the innocent secretary who was on a mission to use any means possible to steal his heart, and then shatter it all into pieces. But, Green walker isn't just a CEO. He's a gang leader. One thing leads to the other, and the new secretary wakes up the next morning, only to find herself lying next to.him. A one night stand...with the man she had planned to get her revenge on. A one night stand...with the Playboy CEO. A one night stand...With a man who doesn't looks like he's going to let go of her anytime soon. Even though she's been hiding two big secrets from him...""In the year 1890, the first generation of Alarson Organization, handled by Marthalyn Eroses who died in a Heart Attack while fighting for her position. When she died, the Organization became cruel because of the leadership of Arlena Eroses. Her stepsister who had steal her position. In 1895, Arlena died due to Breast Cancer. She chose her young daughter at the age of ten to be the next boss in third generation. When Amalie Eroses, daughter of Arlena died at the age of twentyfive because of Tumor Cancer, the Organization stopped running. After 125 years, the Organization started again. What would be the cycle and intention of 4th generation of Alarson Organization?"